
General Science Resources

Page history last edited by PCSelemliteracy 12 years, 8 months ago

Science Resources

Here are the links to the New Essential Standards …..

Science Common Core & Essential Standards wiki:  http://scnces.ncdpi.wikispaces.net/home

 Essential Standards Elementary Science.pdf This PowerPoint gives an overview of the Essential Standards.
 Lesson Plan Essential Standards Dec 20th.pdf This is a "5E" lesson plan for the Essential Standards.


LIVEBINDER  NC Science  http://www.livebinders.com/play/play_or_edit?id=231122


Lesson Planning Template   Third Grade template.docx


sample pacing guide  Third_Grade_Science.pdf , 123.76 KB


Bloom's Taxonomy and Science

The units are correlated to the 2004 NC Standard Course of Study for science but can easily be used the essential standards too; students have many options as to how they learn, however what they learn is determined by the science objectives for each grade.
These units can also be presented as Layered Curriculum. That is another wonderful way to differentiate learning for students!

 Bloom's Taxonomy for Grade 4 Science.doc
 Bloom's Taxonomy for Grade 5 Science.doc

 BLOOM (one page poster).doc




Science and Literacy Blogs:
NSTA Early Years Blog
Open Wide, Look Inside
The Miss Rumphius Effect- science page
Teach with Picture Books



Science Vocabulary ----
 Word Analysis.doc
 meeting new vocabulary.doc
 Guess the Meaning.doc
 4Fold Vocabulary.doc



Graphic Organizers

Many different organizers http://www.science-class.net/Teachers_Graphic_Organizers.htm 

Graphic Organizers by topic and grade level! http://www.eduplace.com/science/hmsc/content/organizer/index.html


 newtons_laws_graphic organizer.pdf


Interactive Notebooking Click this link to go to folder


An INTERACTIVE SCIENCE NOTEBOOK will increase student understanding of science by

  • using writing as a process for discovery and synthesis of inquiry.
  • modeling many enduring functions of scientists – recording information and data, creating experimental

         diagrams, forming associations and connections to other learning, and asking thoughtful questions.

  • improving your ability to organize ideas and information to provide a study reference for each unit, as well

         as a resource to consult for review prior to tests, and even in high school as you continue in science.

  • demonstrating to your teacher and parents your developing organizational skills, understanding

         of science concepts and ability to express thoughts and feelings in a variety of ways.

  • deepening the science skills acquired in prior years by application to 8th grade Earth Science.
  • Think as a scientist… record as a scientist… and reflect as a scientist!



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